sharing is caring

The Daily Post

In today’s quick tip, we’re going to talk about a device that can help you emphasize key points and add visual interest and variety to your blog posts and editorial calendar. Say hello to the pull quote.

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Love Is Not Blind


Part of being a friend is being a sounding board for them. I have learned that it is best to offer advice when asked, but to never tell a friend what they should do. In fact, the word “should” is something I have strived to eliminate from my vocabulary. Besides offering help when I am asked, I have depended on the advice from friends to provide me a clearer picture to a variety of dilemmas I have encountered. I do not know if the right side of my brain is more dominant than my left, but some of the solutions I come up with to a problem tend to be more creative than reality based. Gratefully the advice my friends offer me is direct and cuts to the heart of the matter, bringing clarity to my concerns. I do the same thing for them as I have been know to…

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The Best Album Covers of 2013

Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs

bob-dylan-freewheelin copy

In the age of digital media, the idea of album artwork seems a bit archaic, but if you’re anything like me, you still hold the intrinsic connection between music and  art to be sacrosanct. Below you will find what I deem the 20 best images to be seen on the cover of albums in 2013. You can go get a closer look at that place your parents used to go to called the record store.

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I do not know if it has to do with ego or seeking acceptance that draws a person to a modeling career, because it is something totally out of the realm of my thoughts. What fascinates me about models is the freedom they need to show off their bodies to do their job. Having been a much larger sized person, I never lost that former image of myself. It is the bully in my brain that I aways see first whenever I see a reflection of myself. For years I wore oversized, dark clothing so I could pretend to be more of a shadow than an actual live human being. This may all sound ludicrous due to me being a fitness instructor, but each time I walk into an exercise room that old image of myself is the first one in the room. I am aware of its presence and…

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Visited Radio Free your mind, played a couple of songs and read from the book

A couple of weeks ago I visited The old Varde theatre in Oslo, actually the oldest building in Oslo, and it used to be the home of the executioner and prisoners waiting for their execution in the old days, When Oslo was calle Christiania after old Danish King : King Christian the second.

The reason I was invited there was to attend a radio show for Radio Free Your Mind- An alternative radio station here in Norway, and I read from my new book, ” A lifecycle in Nihighnigma” and played accapella versions or had spoken word versions of my old tracks. Children of war and Bridge over beloved waters.

Here is my performance of Children of war from that evening, it is a slash Acoustic, slash spoken word piece that I had to make…

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